Our Sixth Event - In the South San Fernando Area on October 26, 2019
The next event in our current round of outreach will be on October 26, 2019 in the South San Fernando area at Robert R. Ovrom Park (601 South San Fernando Boulevard) from 11am to 3pm. Find us at the corner of San Fernando Boulevard and Cedar Avenue (details in the English and Armenian flyers below). The materials and exhibits at this event will be similar to those displayed at the Farmers Market pop-up we hosted on October 5 (preliminary concepts and ideas on how to make Burbank’s streets safer for all users, of all ages, modes, and abilities). Please come by and let us know your thoughts. If you already visited us at the Farmers Market on October 5 and provided your input – thank you! (you are welcome to come by again).
Note: We also plan to be at Magnolia Park’s "Holiday in the Park" event on Friday, November 22, from 5pm to 9pm. Hope you are able to make it!

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Our Second Event - Magnolia Park Pop-Up
Our second event will be held in Magnolia Park on Friday, April 26, 2019 (coinciding with MagPark's Ladies and Gents Night Out). Come find us between 6pm and 9pm at the Bank of America parking lot at 3400 W. Magnolia Blvd.
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City Council Study Session - Tuesday, 25 June 2019 (UPDATED)
UPDATE: Presentation materials from the study session are available online. We will be presenting to Burbank City Council for a Study Session on Tuesday, June 25, 2019. The meeting will begin at 6:00 pm at Burbank City Hall, Council Chambers, located at 275 E. Olive Avenue, Burbank, CA 91502.
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Thanks One More Time!
Big thanks to everyone who attended the Media District Open House on May 13 at Buena Vista Library and our pop-up at the Downtown Burbank Arts Festival on May 18. As usual, we heard great ideas, suggestions, and insights. We have now concluded our first round of outreach and will be back in the Fall to share preliminary ideas.
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